Product Design Capabilities

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Capabilities for each stage

At Conduction Technologies, we have formed our team and built our engineering office around the goal of joining you wherever you are in the product design process and supporting you for the road ahead. We are equipped with the expertise and capabilities to assist you with the challenges of each stage.

01. Concept

Start Things Off Right

You have an idea for a product. It’s time to figure out the details and turn that idea into a full-fledged concept.

Our team will help you start off on the right foot by identifying all of the critical requirements of making your product function the way you want it to. We will consider form, fit, functional, and regulatory requirements, along with any miscellaneous demands your product may face.

Once key requirements are verified, we can work together to produce a preliminary design. By the end of the Concept Phase, you will have everything you need to fully visualize your future product, from basic system diagrams and major component breakdowns to simplified 3D models.

02. Critical Design

Engineer the solution

The critical design phase is where the engineering begins in earnest. There’s a lot that goes into taking a product from a concept to a functioning prototype, and things can get highly technical in the blink of an eye.

With our team by your side, you won’t need to worry about getting in over your head. Our engineers have extensive experience with the intricacies of designing complex products.

Our team is prepared to handle any and all of your engineering needs. We can design detailed schematics of every component, map out circuits, build mechanical probe layouts, test and verify sensor locations, produce comprehensive digital models of the entire system, and much more. We will iterate on each portion until everything is ready for your first prototype. 

03. Prototype

Bring it into the world

Seeing your first prototype is an exciting moment, and you want it to go smoothly. Outsourcing the production of individual parts or entire prototypes can result in schedule delays, communication breakdowns, component compatibility issues, and unforeseen costs.

You can lay hands on your first functioning prototype faster and with less hassle by using our in-house prototyping capabilities. We can produce your product’s components, integrate electronics, configure embedded systems, and immediately address any issues that arise. And we’ll keep you informed every step of the way so you’ll know exactly when it’s time to celebrate.

04. Test

Measure, Make improvements

Even the best prototypes will have room for improvement. Conduction Technologies has a wide array of in-house testing capabilities that we can employ to put your prototype through its paces, diagnose issues, and identify areas that would benefit from further attention. Bench-top power supplies, variable DC loads, thermal imagers, and radio frequency (RF) testers are just a few of the tools we are equipped with.

And since we develop prototypes in the same office as we evaluate them, going through the test phase with us is an accelerated process. We can rapidly iterate between testing, implementing enhancements, and testing the new prototypes.

05. Production

Bring your product to life

Once your prototypes look and operate how you want them to, the last thing to do is get ready for full-scale manufacturing. We can connect you with our supply chain partners and prepare all of the files, systems, and guides for production.

But our work doesn’t end when manufacturing begins. We will stick with you to help address complications and lend engineering expertise throughout the production phase and beyond. 

Having issues with an existing product? We can also take products that are already under production and make improvements in order to lower manufacturing costs, decrease failure rates, and increase functionality.

Ready to get started?

Our team is ready to tackle your product design challenges. If you are ready to get started, get in touch with us today to see how we can help you through the product design process.